Engine Books
About Engine Books

is a boutique fiction press publishing novels, short story collections, collected novellas, and related volumes. We seek to publish four titles each year, ensuring full attention to the editing, production, and promotion of each title.

We are not currently considering unsolicited query submissions. Please visit again this fall for more information.





Serious Editing
Every book deserves close editorial attention at every level. Expect the titles published by Engine Books to have been stringently polished to reveal the best possible execution of the author's vision.

Elegant Design
A book is much more than a container for ideas. As a finished product, it should be an artifact representative of the power in its pages.

Ladies in Literature
Engine Books is a woman-run, woman-friendly press. Each year, at least half of our titles will be authored by women.

Writer-Centered, Story-Centered Publishing
Big-house publishing is driven by profit. As great presses are bought up by international conglomerates, the profit burden for each title skyrockets. Corporate publishers select and promote books based on potential revenues. The result is a body of relatively “safe” literature by established writers. Big presses still publish many wonderful books, often by first-time writers; they also pass on dozens of books that deserve to be published.

Engine Books demands very little profit from its titles. Though each book will be aggressively promoted to offer writers the widest possible exposure, work is selected by the quality of its storytelling and edited with an eye toward enhancing that storytelling.


Engine Books titles are distributed to the trade by Ingram Distribution. If a title is listed as non-returnable and your store or event needs an exception, please contact Victoria Barrett at victoria @ enginebooks.org.